
About Us

The Message from President

ASADA U CO., LTD. was founded in the region of O-zo-ne, Nagoya city under the name 『麻田商店』”Asada Shoten” in 1950. “Asada Shoten” was given from combination of two characters 麻 and 田. 麻 =Asa means Linen, material which was used for packing at that time and 田 =Da, Ta was taken from the first character of founder’s last name Taguchi『田口』. Later in 1990, we changed company’s name to current “ASADA U CO., LTD.” as for we point our direction out definitely. We’re doing packing materials business, and also textile products operation for automotive interiors until present.
After all we joined the group of CHORI in July 2017. We’re the company that always evolving based on our high functionalism and demonstrating specialized knowledge fitting various customer’s needs continually continuously.
We appreciate all the Best!!!

President, Hisaya Saito

Corporate Profile

Firm Name ASADA U CO., LTD.
Founded July 1950
Incorporated February 1954
President Hisaya Saito
Head Office 1-16-7 Nishiki, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 460-0003 Japan
Telephone: +81-52-218-3040
Tsujihon St. Branch
1-25, Tsujihon St., Kita-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 462-0861
Yokkaichi branch
1-2-7, Amagasuka, Yokkaichi-shi, Mie 510-8001
Saga branch
1541-1, Shimoizumi, Kuboizumi-cho, Saga-shi, Saga 849-0903
Capital 20 million JPY
Number of Employee 25(April 2024)
Total trading transactions 3,100 million JPY
Business description Selling the Textile items for Automotive interiors, and Selling the Packing materials
Our business partners Toyota Boshoku group, Inoac, Aiphone, Sumitomo Wiring Systems
  • ISO14001 (2015, Approved June 2013)
  • ISO9001 (2015, Approved May 2007) Automotive Interior Operations Only
Environmental Policy Basic policies
The company has established the following policies to protect the global environment.
  1. 1. Consideration for the global environment The Company gives utmost consideration to environmental preservation in all its business operations, products and services.
  2. 2. Compliance with environmental laws and regulations The Company strictly observes environmental laws and regulations, and also pursues environmental improvements as it deems necessary.
  3. 3. Continuous improvement of the environmental management system Based on its environmental policies, the Company establishes, implements and reviews environmental objectives and targets; works to prevent pollution; and seeks continuous improvement of its environmental management.

February 1, 2018
President, Hisaya Saito


Head Office
1-16-7 Nishiki, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 460-0003 Japan
Google map >
  • Tsujihon St. Branch
    1-25, Tsujihon St., Kita-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 462-0861
    Google map >
  • Yokkaichi branch
    1-2-7, Amagasuka, Yokkaichi-shi, Mie 510-8001
    Google map >
  • Saga branch
    1541-1, Shimoizumi, Kuboizumi-cho, Saga-shi, Saga 849-0903
    Google map >


1950 Asada Shoten was founded by the founder Isamu Taguchi.
1954 Incorporated.
1960 Opened the head office facilities in Ozone, Nagoya.
1965 Opened the Yokkaichi branch office in Mie-pref.
1971 Opened the Toyoake branch office in Aichi-pref.
1990 Changed the company name to ASADA U CO., LTD.
1991 Changed president to Hideo Taguchi.
1992 Opened the Saga branch office in Kyushu.
1998 Opened the Togo branch office near Toyota-city.
1999 Relocated Toyoake Sales Office to Togo-cho and established Togo Sales Office in Aichi-pref.
2007 Acquired ISO9001 certificate.
2013 Acquired ISO14001 certificate.
2017 ASADA U became a consolidated subsidiary of CHORI CO., LTD.
2019 Moved the Togo office to Miyoshi branch office near Toyota-city.
2021 Moved the Head Office from Ozone to Fushimi, Nagoya
2023 Merged Miyoshi branch to Tsujihon St. Branch Office, Nagoya-city